Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nanny knows best

I should applaud the recent report which reinforces a ban on the use of mobile phones whilst driving. I've long held the belief that it is dangerously irresponsible. It is fine inasmuch as it highlights what is fairly obvious: that distraction reduces the ability to concentrate. This applies to holding a mobile phone conversation, eating, drinking (no, it took me a while to realise that "drinking and driving" didn't mean literally that) or listening to passengers.

That last one is where I start to have problems. Anyone with common sense will know that to drive safely, distractions should be kept to a minimum. Try carting four noisy children around when it's dark, pouring with rain and there are two other lanes of card doing the same thing.

My particular beef is that the report suggests that "whether your (sic) on your mobile phone or a hands free kit, you're four times more likely to have a crash". This may be true - what what sensible conclusion can be drawn from that? Surely, by inference, any conversation will also significantly increase the likelihood of a crash. Do they really expect everyone to travel in silence?

I've also held the belief (for even longer) that smoking whilst driving is dangerous, but I see no move toward banning that. I guess the tobacco lobby is as strong as ever.

I think a much more sensible approach is to educate and inform drivers that - when distraction is unavoidable - they should probably slow down, or stop. Certainly, when distracted, more care should be taken - as a courtesy to their passengers and other road users. DAMNIT! Now I'm starting to sound like Victor Meldrew.

Just use a bit of common sense, people!


Anonymous said...

Ban manual cars! Surely if the government (grinds teeth) really wanted to make sure everyone was non-distracted, they would remove the use of gearing. I mean, all those chicks having to look down and see what number they are in, because the jumping-and-grinding of the car isn't enough to tell them TO CHANGE GEAR NOW LOVE.

Steering. That is a distraction. Guided cars on rails, that is what they need.

Or make them all bikers. That is the way forward.

Unknown said...

Well, making them all bikers is an interesting idea .. but I'm not sure I'd trust the road to drivers who can't handle gearshifting. Even on bikes. There'll be carnage on corners ...

I'll gloss over the whole women-can't-drive thing.

No, I think the solution is public transport. C'mon .. you should'a got that.