Friday, February 24, 2006

Hurry up Harry, come on ...

Heads up! It's National Pubs Week (according to the BBC - so it must be true, n'est pas?). They've even provided a pub quiz. I did appallingly badly. I must repair to an hostelry and study some more ...

This brings me to the question: who makes up these "National ... Week" events, and is there a Central Office of National Weeks? Did CAMRA dream up this week? What would happen, for example, if Alcoholoics Anonymous decided to declare this week National Abstinence Week, too?

Answers, please.

Meanwhile, I'm off to improve my score ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got nine, though will admit that I guessed two and got them right.

Alas, no going to the pub tonight, but the offy is still open, and Valerie is just on her way there...

I hope there isn't a National Office for such things, as that will only make my blood boil further at the Government. grrr...